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Tuesday, 23 February 2010


So it was just another day and I realised that there are so many thoughts in mind and no time to put it on paper, then it stuck me why not the techy way and just jot down whats running in mind and making the mind run.
Today in class I made a mention of kambal parade.
Fauji all the way . I am a strict in class I prefer being that way. there is a certain discipline which we all should maintain. Some may say what will you achieve after all this discipline I say mutual respect. I can safely say the class has a lot of fun we talk to each other as adults.
B2B where are the case studies for it , suddenly every case seems to be only B2C. Is that an indicator that in trying to achieve customer satisfaction the initial buyer has been forgotten or is this how the business should be done with the end consumer in mind? Does the consumer actually have a mind and if his needs are not so fulfilled does he mind?

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