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Sunday, 25 September 2011

Forward Call.

In the face of temptation don't press FORWARD.
That is my modification to my uncle's popular saying "in the face of temptation Yield"
Yes the world wide web or the net as popularly known has been around for more than 15 years now.  For early adopters like me the path traveresed has had hotmail, yahoo, rediff and google accounts. Now all these jokes, warnings on drugs etc  have come back and forth so many times that it is now difficult to count or keep track of  when,why or who started it.
Any new user who has joined the cyber space is sending forwards, left, right and center. That sounds confusing?
Our woes don't stop there.
Those who send forwards are not just sending them but there is also a followup enquiry as to why there is no response.With kids( matured in the cyber world) you can yell, with friends( growing in the cyber world) you can request but with the elders( laggards in the cyber world) well less said is more.

It would help if we had a system of identifying the date of origin of the mail which could stop people from pressing the forward button.Would it possible to have an Expiry date on forwards as well? If wishes were true some one would develop an application for that. Hey Google guys is anybody listening??

Right now the world is divided into those who send forwards and those who receive them and till the time  I am at the receiving end I have no choice but to press the DELETE button on the mail. That is infinitely better than DELETING friends.
I just hope that in the face of temptation I don't FORWARD so what I will do is SHARE !! haha....

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