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Friday, 5 March 2010

In response to what did the army give you.

Hmm Yes I wanted to agree with Div( my cousin) all the way. Incidentally that morning when the original mail was received , I was going to the University I saw a school bus had stopped midway as the vehicle had come under some repair. My companion in the car said Poor kids , I just laughed and said why? the kids will be happy they have some different experience today. they will enter the school late and very proudly announce to the class as why they were late and how their whole huge bus had to be towed etc etc. Like Tom sawyer's hurt toe theirs is a new story to share today. I continued in the same vein to my companion, in grade 4 we traveled 2 hours to school in our lovely 3 tonnes. The climb used to be steep those who have traversed roopa and chindit top will agree or maybe to my eyes of a child it was steep,. Maybe the roads have changed now. Then there would be one landslide and the whole vehicle would have to take a precarious U turn and take another route to school and Yes we VIP's would walk in to class late and have our story of the size of the landslide the rows of vehicles and so on and so forth. I dont think it ever came to our minds that we should go back home nor did it ever strike our driver/ conductor etc.
They had a duty to take us to school which they did. Anycase no crazy mobile phones for the drivers to get harassed by errant parents.The 3 tonnes crossing each other from opposite side used to create so much friction that the tarpaulin would tear at times. SO all times strict instructions not to support our heads on tarpaulin behind the seat.
Train journeys were the best. You could travel unreserved in Military compartment , you had the MCO at all stations for any support.Traveled from Roopa to Misamari by road, then from misamari to Rangiya. Rangiya to calcultta via Bongaigaon I think and then calcutta to Madras and then to tiruchy. Loads of fun, staying on the platform or waiting rooms eating hot fresh food, drinking tea galore and spending almost same amount of time for connection trains as much as in the train itself.Now when flights are delayed or there are issues with train and flight I never make a sound because we grew up with waiting and knew all things would happen just that it takes its own time and no news is definitely good news.
Half of one class in Gauhati the other half in Faizabad oh it didnt make a single difference. After all appa was taking over the command of a battalion so being the CO's children was definitely more important than any 1st rank or any rank in class 7.
The Chai pakoras, jalebi, the band and the welcome team waiting in the middle of the night in the station was to be cherished and remembered always.And ofcourse poo ode naarum manakum( with the flower the thread binding it also gets a fragrance) so if appa was getting importance we were not getting any less.
Yes cantonments, Mandir parade and church parade Sunday mornings with parents was just a regular part of growing up. No one taught us to ask another person's religion. Our religion , faith, God was all ARMY.
As elders we remain the same I might ask from which place the person belongs but religion no way. I still don't know what difference it makes. To the Shivsena and RSS it does to me it doesnt. We are just Indians and like amma says son of no particular soil.
I still watch out for Republic day parade and now that I am away from the army I shed tears when I read a citation, but back then Oh a citation so proud what better glory than a death while serving the country.. yes if there was an opportunity to get in to the army for 40 + women I would opt in any day.
So army taught me many things

1. Eat what you get when you get you dont know what or when your next meal might be.
2. There will be another day so wait and be patient.
3. Dont crib about the small things in life just take it in stride this too shall pass and tomorrow is another day,
4. Dont criticise anything in life (definitely not the ARMY).Nobody is perfect and if you want to make improvements remain in the system and do it not after you come out. If you must criticize let it be for improvement not for berating.
5. Learn to be a part of your surroundings and give it your 100%. (Army is full commitment not by halves)

So dear all Thats army for me and yes laughingly in my in-laws house they call me "Military" because I am particular about punctuality and not wasting others time by being late, organising events and just generally running the show, be a part of whatever show is happening and tears, no never always ACTION!!

Thats the other thing never forget to give respect to elders and never ever forget P's and Q's
To sum up I am reminded of the Quote from "A Few Good men' one of my favourite movies, "Unit, Corps, Country,God,".And yes last but not the least 'Strength & Honour' from Ofcourse Gladiator.

1 comment:

  1. My niece Shambhavi R, posted your blog id in facebook today.Congratulations on happy memories!

    With a considerable amount of family in the forces and a similar amount outside it, I can say people are born with certain traits, imbibe some as time goes by. I need say no more!

    Since you have asked for comments, I should also add- whether it be region,language, race or religion-they at once can be uniting or segregating.All these heads(equally) classify the species and it is up to people to choose to be inclusive or not.

    Wishing you well.
    Jai Jawan and Jai Kisan.
