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Wednesday, 10 March 2010

When personal is public.

Yesterday was a busy day.I went to attend this conference. There was this guy who trying to upload the presentation to the Laptop connected to the projector using the USB drive. Though the conference had not started there was a fair amount of crowd sitting in the audience.
Our man is searching up and down his files, visible to all and sundry, and he looks at each file name and then next which means the audience is able to read the file names. It was fine till he had folders named CV and Australia and Pictures.Then lo and behold!! suddenly one realizes that every 5th file was a video file with titles like ..... hot babe..., something....,....blond...... so on and so forth.
Now I am the last one to judge people on their personal preferences but in a public forum one should maintain certain decorum.
This again brings me to how much do we reveal about ourselves in public without realizing.
Imagine the audience had this guy's Boss what would he perceive of the folder CV? does it indicate the guy is looking for other jobs, does not feel safe in this job or is making a statement by keeping his CV folder apparently updated enough to carry it on a USB drive in his pocket.
As such many feel that people share too much stuff online which others have no business knowing about but I disagree and say it is up to the person to decide how much he/she wants to reveal and should do only that much.
Good thing to remember is if you live in a glass house rest assured all your actions will be observed so be careful and treat the web as a glass house, infact not just the web but all gadgets which store information.

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