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Wednesday, 3 March 2010

Kneading the dough

When all it takes is one plastic attachment blade in the mixie or food processor why don't companies like Sumeet, Prrethi or Butterfly give it as an attachment. Phillips , Kenwood etc put the dough kneader attachment even in basic models.
All you need is a plastic blade and some instructions to add water accordingly to the aata. One does not even need oil and flat in about 2-3 minutes you have the dough for chappati ready. Further using cutting blades for chopping palak, or radish etc and then change the blade to plastic and lo and behold our palak puri aata or mooli parantha aata is ready.
Tha blade should be able to fit the big jar or small jar.
So once again why dont companies come up with some easy solution like this.Not like its going to cost the company a lot and it definitely can be used as differentiator strategy.
The original article was written in March 2010. I was happy to see an ad with Prestige showing a kneading blade. So better late than Never.

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